
Weave Adds Partner Marketplace to Healthcare Business Platform
June 12, 2024

Weave has added a partner marketplace to its platform for small- to medium-sized healthcare businesses. The Weave Partner Marketplace includes affiliate products and services designed to help healthcare practices enhance their operational efficiency and patient experiences, the company said in a Wednesday (June 12) press release. It is...

How a 30-Year-Old Prescription Management Platform Is Creating the Pharmacy of the Future
June 11, 2024

When the person at the counter asks, “Do you have any questions for the pharmacist?” it’s hard for the consumer to respond. After all, there are probably several anxious people waiting in line. And it may be that they will have questions later, after they’ve...

Oscar Health Aims to More Than Double Membership by 2027
June 07, 2024

Oscar Health reportedly aims to expand its presence in the employer market by providing more affordable health plans for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Using its position in the Affordable Care Act market, Oscar Health aims to compete with larger insurers and increase transparency on...

Nearly 30% of Moms Neglect Their Own Medical Care
June 05, 2024

Women who are responsible for children are more likely than single women to sacrifice their own healthcare needs. The PYMNTS Intelligence report “2024 Women’s Wellness Index,” based on surveys with more than 10,000 U.S. consumers, found that women tend to prioritize the healthcare of their...

Sword Health to Roll Out AI Assistant for Physical Therapy
June 04, 2024

Sword Health has introduced an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant called Phoenix that uses natural conversation to guide and react to patients during their physical therapy sessions. The firm has also announced a $130 million funding round that brings its total funding to $340 million to...

Women Prioritize Healthier Finances for Healthier Futures
May 28, 2024

Women run the world, and that world often starts with their own households. But too frequently, that world also ends there — as women spend significantly more time on household responsibilities and caregiving, leaving less time for taking care of their own health and wellness....

Zelis Launches Platform for Healthcare Payments, Communications
May 20, 2024

Zelis has launched a platform designed to handle both healthcare payments and communications. The new Zelis Advanced Payments Platform (ZAPP) helps payers process high volumes of claims payments and communications, while also simplifying payment experiences for both providers and members, the provider of healthcare technology solutions said in...

Women Earning Over $100K Spend Nearly $1K on Their Own Health Every Year
May 17, 2024

For most women, a complex cluster of building blocks — their life stage, household responsibilities, financial circumstances, age and dependents, among others — shape how they prioritize their own healthcare needs, a PYMNTS Intelligence study finds. And data in the “2024 Women’s Wellness Index,” a...

Report: Oracle Health Facing Challenges Modernizing Outdated Systems
May 09, 2024

Oracle has reportedly encountered obstacles in its ambitious plans for electronic medical records company Cerner, which it acquired for $28 billion in December 2021. The company has lost several major clients since the acquisition, its focus has shifted from innovative product ideas to upgrading legacy systems, and its...